March 15, 2023

At Fleetware, we think it’s important to play our part in the global effort to increase equality and quality of life for the millions of people that are much less fortunate than us. So, every month, we set aside a percentage of our subscription income to be donated to a variety of different causes.

We use an organisation called B1G1 that ensures that 100% of our giving goes towards the causes of our choice.

Last month we supplied:

  • 60 meals for school children in India
  • Drinking water taps for five families in India
  • A beehive for a farmer in Kenya to start his own business



Nutritious meals

Providing nutritious meals for school children is key for their physical and mental development – allowing them to be more attentive in class and strive toward their full potential. Attending school with a full stomach is so important for increasing the proportion of children with a standard of education that will allow them to thrive in their adult lives. Better employment opportunities that arise from a full education is key in lifting families out of poverty and breaking the cycle.


Safe drinking water

Safe drinking water is such a basic necessity that we often take for granted in developed countries. It’s usually scarce in rural and remote areas – with other water sources posing as high risk for water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Installing water taps in family households ensures that microorganisms and other disease-causing agents are filtered out and that the remaining water is safe to drink.



Running a beekeeping business enables families to have a sustainable and ongoing income, as well as being able to access and use their own produce. Stable income sources enable entire communities to improve their quality of life and begin to lift themselves out of poverty.


We thank all our customers for continuing their support for Fleetware and our giving efforts.

To keep up to date with our giving throughout the year, head to our About page